Have You Found and Are You Following Your Joy?

Published: Wed, 08/19/15

♥ Heart Whisper Volume lll Issue 30 ♥

Hi ,
Today's heart whisper inspired various comments in the Heart Whisper Circle on Facebook yesterday when I shared it I wrote my resting heart as I knew I needed an early night. I asked the circle what they would add and

Susan wrote: Valley of Love
Astrid : An inspiring summer day
Tanya : My heart is floating
Karen: Heather covered autumnal valley with an inviting heart ( as in Scottish Heather) 
What does this heart whisper to you? 

The words that came to me today as a true wake up call to embrace my path to joy with love. I realised I had got myself stuck in some woulds and shoulds and coulds that I am so good at helping clients move past. It took one of my mentors on a coaching call today and a few other nudges this week to have me asking: Am I really living my purpose?  Doing what does bring me joy? 
NO came the answer?  I felt a pit in my stomach. Yes my daily art brings me joy as does sharing it with you all.  Problem is I still have been procrastinating on putting it out for sale. 

Heart Whisper 365 Challenge UPDATE: 156 paintings to go
Sharing the last 49  heart whisper paintings  (148-207) yesterday on Facebook and the comments I received was another wake up call after asking if this would be a great poster. And I thought I was complete with change for a while:) 
 Now to paint Heart Whisper Painting 156 :)  


Ways We Can Use The New Moon To Manifest Our Desires

 Although the August new moon has passed, the tools I share in this blog post can be used for any new moon or any time you need a fresh start.

The  new moon is a time for renewal, setting goals or intentions, a time of cleansing, releasing and new beginnings.  Time to step up, and shine.


The image for this post is something I discovered last week playing with photoshop. This is a digital twirl of one of my hearts . More coming

Are you Struggling with a big decision?

Not sure which way to turn?

Check out my Clarity Coaching special HERE

Please do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share. Remember listen to your heart whisper!

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful


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