I hope you are well and rocking into 2016.
is going to be a wonderful year.
I have had a very slow start and the Heart Whisper Ezine has had a holiday too. It will be back next week in a new weekly format and with Edition 4 and celebrating my 365 days of painting a heart whisper every day.
Today's Heart Whisper is from The Heart Whisper Daily Guidance Oracle Card Deck that many of you are now using on a daily basis.
It is also the purpose of this email:
To invite you to join me and many other Heart Whisperers who have already said YES to join the 7 Day I Am Enough challenge
I started my own I AM ENOUGH challenge 2 weeks ago and I have noticed some real shifts in both my life and my business.
I started saying I am enough on waking and throughout the day. It puts
that inner critic offside.
When I allow my inner critic to move me from my heart to my head up comes the feelings of
The list can go on and on………… you know those feelings?
So come and join us: Yes this one is free :)
Register here: http://suziecheel.com/the-7-day-i-am-enough-challenge/
Each day I will be sharing a tool I have been using, it will come via a short email.
It also will be fun and we will share our breakthroughs in the private Heart Whisper Circle group.
Here is the link. : http://suziecheel.com/the-7-day-i-am-enough-challenge/
I look forward to welcoming you and inspiring you to embrace your I AM ENOUGHNESS. Who know what magic you might
Have a wonderful weekend.
all my love