Do YOU Know You Are Enough?

Published: Fri, 01/29/16



I hope you are well and rocking into 2016.

It is going to be a wonderful year.

I have had a very slow start and the Heart Whisper Ezine has had a holiday too. It will be back next week in a new weekly format and with Edition 4 and celebrating my 365 days of painting a heart whisper every day. 

Today's Heart Whisper is from The Heart Whisper Daily Guidance Oracle Card Deck that many of you are now using on a daily basis. 

It is also the purpose of this email:

 To invite you to join me and many other Heart Whisperers who have already said YES to join the 7 Day I Am Enough challenge 

I started my own I AM ENOUGH challenge 2 weeks ago and I have noticed some real shifts in both my life and my business. 

I started saying I am enough on waking and throughout the day. It puts that inner critic offside.

When I allow my inner critic to move me from my heart to my head up comes the feelings of

  • not being enough

  • then not being good enough

  • looking outside for confirmation that supports all these negative thoughts and feelings

The list can go on and on………… you know those feelings?

So come and join us: Yes this one is free :)

Register here:

 Each day I will be sharing a tool I have been using, it will come via a short email.

It also will be fun and we will share our breakthroughs in the private Heart Whisper Circle group.

 Here is the link. :

I look forward to welcoming you and inspiring you to embrace your I AM ENOUGHNESS. Who know what magic you might manifest. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

all my love



I just love the images and comments that are appearing on Facebook , in my email and on
The Heart Whisper Circle as the Heart Whisper Oracle cards are arriving around the world. Notice the knowing card too.