Do YOU Know You Are Enough?

Published: Mon, 02/15/16

The Heart Whisper Ezine 111 #44
Dear Heart Whisperers,

This weeks Heart Whisper is painting 365, the final one in my paint a heart whisper every day, and yes I made it. 

The next stage of this is to set up the gallery so I can sell the paintings.

I had a break from painting for a week and then last Tuesday my brother-in-law passed and out came the brushes to paint his spirit. A new series is evolving. 

I am still working on my simple plan for 2016. There is some letting go going on here to move into a new way of being.:) 

My latest blog post: My 3 words for 2016 maybe sets the scene for doing things in 3s, not my normal 5 or 6 or more. 

Why 3 Words?

The last few years I have chosen 1 word for the year

Last year it was trust

In 2014 it was courage

in 2013 it was abundance

This year I thought my word was going to be BOLD and I had been drawing the Bold card from  KEEP READING 

Last Week for free shipping on the Oracle Cards

Have you seen these beautiful Heart Whisper Cards - just released by my dear friend Suzie Cheel - these cards are all original artworks inspired by Suzie’s own life journey, each card is beautiful, colourful. insightful and tactile - YES TACTILE - the cards are unlike any you have felt before, they have a silky amazing sensual feel, it is as though you are feeling the actual vibrancy and colour as well as receiving the beautiful messages from your own heart - worth checking them out and ordering a set - love Yantra xx

What’s included in the Heart Whisper Oracle Deck:

  • 38 Oracle Cards,
  • 4 information cards, including how to use,
  • A postcard
  • A purple gauze drawstring bag.
  • An extended guidebook you can download (you will receive an email about this)
  • An upcoming webinar with one card readings
  • Invitation to join the Heart Whisper Circle
  • Free shipping until February 26th 2016
  • Wrapped in a Suzie Heart Whisper Painting
                            BUY HERE
all my love



Suzie Cheel
The Heart Whisperer