Dreams Do Come True

Published: Thu, 12/17/15



I painted this week's heart whisper after finding out the expected delivery of my Oracle cards was not happening. Yes patience is a virtue :) 

Lots has changed since the last Heart Whisper ezine.  Where I shared  that I was planning to get the printing done in the USA, I did mention I had an alternative up my sleeve. Then I found an Aussie printer to work with and on Monday the button was pushed to print 50 sets  

 It's been a long 2 weeks and today my dream of several years of having my own set of oracle cards will come true. I have just got off the phone from the courier and been assured they will be delivered this afternoon.

Launch day will be tomorrow so watch you email to see them.

Don't forget you can get you copy here posted out tomorrow with free shipping wrapped in art from me  This is special  



What does your heart whisper? Hit reply and share with me and do come and join the the Heart Whisper Circle  to see my daily heart whisper painting and meet your Heart Whisper Tribe. 💜

What's New This Week?

The wait is over

Now at last I have an answer for all those people who say when will your cards be ready.

I am pleased to announce that printing is underway and shipping will start later this week.

I have put in a limited  order for  50 packs  for this first edition. You have the chance to get one these so order today.


 It's my birthday on Christmas Eve and I will be continuing my tradition of doing free cards reading , only this year with my own Oracle cards. It's Karen's birthday on 23rd so we decided to have an online party On Wednesday 23rd- USA  2.37pm PST  Thursday 24th - Australia 9.27 am AESDT
Chakra Meditation
On Tuesday I  shared  a chakra meditation with  Karen plus a reading from the heart whisper cards: The replay is here or click the image.

What Karen said: This was such a powerful confirmation with Suzie Cheel I love her cards and her energy we are blessed to have her on our tribe You can have a deck of your own for guidance it give as a beautiful gift.

Watch your email for launch special tomorrow

Until tomorrow

Please do contact me if you have a questions or a story to share. Remember listen to the whispers of your heart!​

All my love