Know You Are Enough Opens Your to Love and Abundance ?

Published: Mon, 08/15/16

The Heart Whisper Ezine 4 #1
Welcome to the new readers and welcome back Heart Whisperers to the return of the Heart Whisper Weekly Inspiration.

For those who love the Abundance/ Law of Attraction focus I have something special coming.......

Yes I have been on a journey around myself, back to where I started on line at The Abundance Highway and I am now still crystallizing a way to to work with my art, the Heart whispers and Abundance
More of that in the next week or so.

This week I am sharing the Knowing card which flew out as I was doing the cards reading for the week today- quite a surprise as earlier i had been watching Tony Robbins talking with Oprah about, yes you guessed it- so many people not being enough!

The 3 card reading became 4 when the knowing card jumped out to give us the focus for the week: Knowing you are enough, allows you to let go of what no longer serves you or may even be blocking you as you take time to fully love you and release all judgement, then you can step into the abundance in any area of life that you desire. 
 Below is the link to the video of the reading ( 7 mins)
On the blog: 7 Abundance Quotes That Will Open Your Heart To Gratitude
What the readers are saying : 
  •  I loved all 7 quotes, Suzie, awesome curation. Self-worth is so important.
  • Well you know how much I love quotations, so as far as I’m concerned each of these is a precious gem! 
Want more clarity? Book your own Heart Whisper Reading here  
Have a magical week  and please hit reply if you find the cards touched your heart or share in the Heart Whisper Circle 

with love and in gratitude. 


​xxoo Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More COLOR ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥  AND TRANSFORMS YOUR LIFE.  ♥​

Suzie Cheel
The Heart Whisperer