Heart Whisper Inspiration: Is the Flame of Passion Lighting Up Your Life?

Published: Mon, 03/06/17

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Heart Whisper Volume 4 Issue 7
Welcome to March with Passion as our focus for this month 

It has been a resting healing house here for the almost past 2 weeks. My aching body turned into a nasty virus + sinus that I then gifted he virus to Des. 
He was not happy, he also was better at resting and his is leaving faster than mine did.

This week's heart whisper is a reminder that rest is what heals. Anyone else a slow learner on the resting stakes? 

I have been listening more closely to my body this past week and I have had some great insights and revelations from reading back on my journals from my healing journey for my book.
I will be sharing the daily focus oracle card on the Heart Whisperers each day so come and join us there. 

New on The Blog 

 When I drew this card  I took out my journal and these questions flowed onto the pages of my journal………

What is your true passion? 

What drives you to live fully from your heart?

What is it that feeds your soul?

I wrote:

Setting others on fire by the joy that comes when they

♥   truly love themselves.

♥   Know that they are enough

♥   step into their power each day

This empowers you and me and in turn empowers the world. This creates ripples of love which comes when we have inner peace and joy is our daily way to be.

If We All Came From Love…..

If we knew we were at peace with within

Just Imagine how beautiful the world would be….

This is magic, this is my passion, what drives me to live from my heart each day and feeds my soul.   keep reading here


You know I always love hearing from you, so just hit reply if you have something to share or want to know how I can help you shine your light.

 Book a Chat with Suzie here

All my love
Suzie xxx
PS: Keep being the change and spreading ripples of love 
If you enjoyed this please forward it to a friend, thank you 
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