Are You In The Flow?

Published: Tue, 03/14/17

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Heart Whisper Volume 4 Issue 8
Getting in the flow is part of my mission for this year  so when I pulled the Flow card as the focus card for the week and passion as our monthly focus, the hart whisper message for this week feel onto the pages of my journal. 

When we are in the flow we release the struggle and move with ease.
​​​​​​​Are you in the flow today? 

I will be sharing the daily focus oracle card on the Heart Whisperers each day so come and join us there. 

New on The Blog 

Do You Find it Easy To Receive Love?

Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Receiving Love?

Do you really believe in you own self-worth?

When I drew the Receive Oracle Card this week  I was reminded of how I used to be on receiving love and deflecting compliments. We are all love and when we embrace the love that we are when someone says you look radiant, love your hair. I now smile and say thank you. This was not always the case.

As part of the blog post this week I have included a short meditation to embrace receiving love You can download it.  


The meditation is here

You know I always love hearing from you, so just hit reply if you have something to share or want to know how I can help you shine your light.

 Book a Call with Suzie here

All my love
Suzie xxx
PS: Keep being the change and spreading ripples of love 
If you enjoyed this please forward it to a friend, thank you 
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