So You Think You are Not Creative ?

Published: Wed, 01/25/17

Weekly Whisper Volume 4 Issue 2
Welcome to all the new Heart Whisperers who have joined this week It is wonderful to have you here
 This weeks Heart Whisper  is all about tapping into your own Heart Whispers.

When I was 12 I was told I couldn't draw so I couldn't do art. It obviously had am impact that I remember it 50 odd year on.

So in the 80's when I set up my own Textile Art business which was a great success, I knew that believing what you feel, following your passion was imperative to living a creative life. 

Creativity means different things to different people. It's not just art. It is cooking, singing, making music, writing poetry, just writing: It is what makes you feel creative. 

Why creativity this week?  Well I wasn't well at the end of December and into January.
 Not my plan for starting 2017!

A friend and cocoach Heather said to me that I get sick when I leave my creativity out of my life. Basically I stop painting

Well that is changing!

I started the Heart Whisperers group on facebook  to share my 365 days of Heart Whisper Paintings and help you tap into your heart whisperers and love yourself more. 

The 365 days  seemed to kill my creativity ~ you can over do anything!

This week I started to share  my weekly heart whisper painting and the interaction tells me I am on the simple path again. So if that was why you joined come back in. We will do weekly whispers and a weekend meditation with some card readings ​​​​​​​plus a weekly heart whisper or two!

Weekly Heart Whisper Show Live on Facebook  watch you email for time- Sunday Monday each week ~ This weeks reading watch you email for times 

You know I always love hearing from you, so just hit reply if you have something to share or want to know how I can help you shine your light.

Ready for clarity for 2017? Book a reading here

All my love
Suzie xxx
PS: Keep being the change and spreading ripples of love
book here

Weekly Heart Whisper Readings and Meditations
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