[HeartWhisper Ezine] Understanding Comes When We Least Expect It

Published: Thu, 08/31/17

Heart Whisper Ezine Volume 4 #5: Understanding 
Sometime life just sucks, I had this written yesterday to send out first this today. I can to the computer and went to check my writing, adjusted a few words and went to save it and the computer froze!

So I rebooted  the computer and then no Internet connection. Note to self- always compose offline. All the copy was gone and the draft appeared as last weeks issue!

This morning in my journal I write this question for my Daily Whisper. 
Today what magic will I create today in my life and business? 
Watch my facebook page for the post and the cards:) 

After 1 hour and 40 minutes on my mobile - as the landline was down to I was told that there was a statewide outage and the had now estimated time for reconnection. 

Des then said the better question for me would have been:
What crazy things can happen with technology today that will make me angry?​​​​​​​
Was I angry-YES Hanging on for Telstra for 20 minutes that became 50 minutes. I was also  pissed off with myself for being addicted to being online!

So todays message UNDERSTANDING which I had put in this message yesterday- the only remnant from yesterday remaining in the file remaining, was spot on.

It brought understanding that I did need to be still and listen to my heart whispers, not always easy when you mind is disconnected from your heart. You know what to do have all the tools, you brilliantly advice your clients when they are in a pickle. 

Now I can see the finny side of if it and Ho'oponopono was my tool that brought me back to center. 

I allowed myself to be off key for much of the morning,. This ever happen to you? 

I will journal on this later today as there are some bigs messages there for me on may levels.
How does todays Heart Whisper speak to you?  
Until next week 
 It's time to open your heart to love!

All my love

Suzie xx​​​​​​​
Receive beautiful, insightful daily messages from your own heart with these exquisite oracle cards made with original vibrant artwork, inspired by my own life journey. 
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