Published: Wed, 09/12/18
Weekly Whisper From The Heart #6 |
Weekly reading
Are you going all in? New Moon Reading I set my intention for the new moon to allow myself to RECEIVE ABUNDANCE in my life by being OPEN to trust in the universe. Letting go of my control freak tendencies knowing as Gabrielle Bernstein says the Universe does have your back, so just get out of the way! When I open into the love that I am and am surrounded by, I feel the shift as I move towards accelerating the prosperity in my life. Each morning I now ask am I going all in on my 90daysprint. The one that is changing my life I commit to go all in, to be true to me for the next 90 days and beyond. That means doing the work that will bring the total freedom and be living a fully abundant life. Are you going all in on your vision? Living a truly abundant life? Would you love to?
Have you started The Magic Challenge? Live now daily in Powered by Love group. or on my YOUTUBEe Channel for those of you not on
facebook. Please Email me (just hit reply to this email) if there are things you would love me to include or a story you wish to share Thank you for being here Live Your Life Powered by Love Dare TO DREAM again All my love Suzie xx |