Find Out What Stops You From Creating What You Want ?
Published: Thu, 09/13/18
Hello , Are you ready to create the life you deserve? My friend and colleague, Christine Agro is holding a free webinar called ‘How to Create What You Want: Your Ultimate Growth Steps to Creating More!’ Christine is a Spiritual Teacher and a Clairvoyant. I know she has been exploring the Universal Truths and Collective Wisdom around our abilities to create what we want for many years. Her insight is unique, and she has both a fun and empowering teaching style. Her whole philosophy is to give you tools so that you can do the work yourself. On this call you will:
I think you’ll get a lot of joining her for this call. The webinar is on Wednesday, September 26 and there are two times available 10 AM ET and 7:30 PM ET. Christine is doing both calls live. Here’s a link where you can register and find out a bit more about what Christine will be sharing. To your manifesting more! Live Your Life Powered by Love Dare TO DREAM again All my love Suzie xx |